
Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Anticipation

I Love Spring!  Everything is full of new life ... The trees and flowers are budding, the sun is warmer, the rains are plentiful (at least in Tennessee).   It is truly a time of resurrection and restoration!

Easter is such an awesome celebration!  The story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection is so full of passion, sorrow, joy & love.  I begin to feel my heart stir as we enter the Lenten Season and build to full tilt as we pass thru Palm Sunday and on to Easter.  To me, Easter embodies our faith as Christians.  Every year I feel my soul restored as I reflect on this story and it's meaning and gift to all God's People.

Michael and I were involved in the church drama program for many years when our children were smaller .. I must tell you that I have a particular fondness for Mary Magdalene.  Mary, with her questionable and controversial personal history, was a devout follower of Jesus Christ and the first to witness his resurrection.  What a blessing that must have been!  You gotta love what that tells us ... The Heavenly Father offers each of us true unconditional love and forgiveness.  An Overwhelming Blessing that Surpasses Words or Understanding ... Acceptance of this gift is based in faith, for sure!  That is what the season says to us, right?
Jesus Christ gave his life that we should know the father, receive forgiveness and know everlasting life ... Can

Can I Get An AMEN?

In January, I lost my mother after a brief (6 week) illness.  The loss left a void in my life and my heart, like I have never known ... but I know that one day we will be together again on the Celestial Shores of Heaven, I know this (in part) because of Easter! I know that she waits for me in a Kingdom of Glory and Joy where she is whole and healthy, I know this because of Easter!  I know that on the day she slipped from my life, the day she was called to her heavenly reward, she began the life the truly matters.  The life she was promised as a Christian, a life with the Father of Us All.  I know this because of Easter!

Mother loved Spring and everything about it...the greening of the landscape, the warm weather, the longer days and Easter.  She loved all things about Easter ... The Biblical and Secular!  She so enjoyed watching the grandchildren (when they were small) and most recently, the great-grands and all their friends running through the yard in search of brightly colored Easter Eggs filled with candy and treats.  She got as excited as them, as she looked on as they upended their bags of treasure, hoping for the highly sought "Golden Egg".  She would laugh, tease and clasp her hands as they claimed their rewards as if they were mountains of gold (they were mostly dime store stuffed animals).  I remember at last year's hunt, she commented to Michael, "How wonderful it is that every child here got a prize.  I hate to see any of them go home empty-handed.".  Michael smiled and gave her a hug.  Michael had done his job VERY well!  You see, he was working the crowd and discreetly slipping prize eggs in each and every bag and basket. she (and apparently everyone else) must have missed the part!  It was a great day!

This year we have stepped it up ... On April 23rd (one day before what would have been Mother's 83rd Birthday) we will be hosting our Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  So Far, we have 28 children confirmed!  I wanted 40+ but we will try harder next year!  Our theme will be the Timeless Tale of Alice in Wonderland, complete with 7 costumed characters, 2000 fillable eggs, gifts for all, and age group prizes.  We have involved not only our teenager and young adult, Taylor & Travis, but 5 additional teens and of course my dad, Papa.  I am in hopes that my teenage helpers will not only have a great time but learn a bit about the joy of giving and sharing for the a reward of nothing more than the joy of others.

I am so very excited and I know Mother is looking down on me shaking her head and smiling while she says, "Must you do everything to the extreme?"  All the while knowing the answer is "Of Course, where is the fun in doing it any other way!"

So....Follow us "down the rabbit hole" and watch for photographs to follow!

Happy Easter & God Bless You All!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Estate Sale Surprises

I Love Conducting Estate Sales!

I feel this way for many different reasons... The pace is so very different from retail store front, the sheer quantity of items makes my heart race, and last but not not least I love the discover process...  Researching pattern names, item age & origin, displaying, pricing, labeling & tagging... It's like one gigantic puzzle from the moment we begin!

There are always so many wonderful items to be offered on sale day!  However, it would not be an estate sale without a few quirky and somewhat bizarre & unique items.  Our upcoming sale has proven to be no exception to the rule.  Lots of beautiful china, collectibles, home decor, furniture & more and of course, the quirky!

I can only assume this is a crafty li'l candlestick created by using several pieces of Early American Prescut Glass (aka Star of David) and Generous Amounts of Glue...  Perhaps you see it as something else, feel free to share your thoughts  and suggestions.  I would love to hear them!

I must admit there is something a bit endearing about this 12" sculpture.  I never fail to smile when I catch a glimpse.  I wonder what the owner was doing or thinking the day she assembled this.  Was she bored?  Trying out new ideas for the Church Holiday Bazaar? Designing a Gift for Family or Friends?  Or just in need of a quick centerpiece?  It is those questions and ones just like them that keep me saying, "Yes", each and every time some asks me to conduct a Estate Sale for their Family.  It is an honor to be asked to oversee such an event and while we do have a great deal of fun, we take it very seriously.  Every piece we touch, wash, display and tag meant something to someone... we handle them with respect and loving care, for in our hands we hold not only their worldly possessions but their hearts!

God Bless!
