
Friday, April 1, 2011

Estate Sale Surprises

I Love Conducting Estate Sales!

I feel this way for many different reasons... The pace is so very different from retail store front, the sheer quantity of items makes my heart race, and last but not not least I love the discover process...  Researching pattern names, item age & origin, displaying, pricing, labeling & tagging... It's like one gigantic puzzle from the moment we begin!

There are always so many wonderful items to be offered on sale day!  However, it would not be an estate sale without a few quirky and somewhat bizarre & unique items.  Our upcoming sale has proven to be no exception to the rule.  Lots of beautiful china, collectibles, home decor, furniture & more and of course, the quirky!

I can only assume this is a crafty li'l candlestick created by using several pieces of Early American Prescut Glass (aka Star of David) and Generous Amounts of Glue...  Perhaps you see it as something else, feel free to share your thoughts  and suggestions.  I would love to hear them!

I must admit there is something a bit endearing about this 12" sculpture.  I never fail to smile when I catch a glimpse.  I wonder what the owner was doing or thinking the day she assembled this.  Was she bored?  Trying out new ideas for the Church Holiday Bazaar? Designing a Gift for Family or Friends?  Or just in need of a quick centerpiece?  It is those questions and ones just like them that keep me saying, "Yes", each and every time some asks me to conduct a Estate Sale for their Family.  It is an honor to be asked to oversee such an event and while we do have a great deal of fun, we take it very seriously.  Every piece we touch, wash, display and tag meant something to someone... we handle them with respect and loving care, for in our hands we hold not only their worldly possessions but their hearts!

God Bless!



  1. Love the blog! And I love estate sales too! When and where is the next one?

  2. Thanks Carmella! The next estate sale is April 7, 8 & 9 at 112 Midtown Court - Suite 303 (aka: the warehouse). Hope you can stop by and say hello!
